How to Brush Your Eyelash Extensions

Written By :

Jane Hubbard




Written By

Jane Hubbard

Expert Author

Brushing your eyelash extensions is an important step in maintaining their beauty and keeping them looking great. It not only helps to keep them clean and free of dust, dirt, or other debris, but it also helps to keep their shape intact. In addition, regular brushing will help the lashes stay healthy longer by allowing for greater blood circulation which can help reduce shedding and breakage.

How to Brush Your Eyelash Extensions

Brushing your eyelash extensions can be a great way to keep them looking fresh and healthy. It can help you maintain the shape of the extension, as well as prevent any tangles or clumps from forming on your lashes. Furthermore, brushing helps spread out the individual lash fibers so they look more natural and have less chances of becoming matted or tangled. In this blog post, You will learn in detail how to brush your eyelash extensions.

Step by Step Processes for How to Brush Your Eyelash Extensions

Step 1: Inspect Your Lashes

Before you start brushing your eyelash extensions, it’s important to inspect them for any signs of damage or signs of wear and tear. Gather all the brushes and cleaning supplies that you need for the task. This includes a clean spoolie brush, lash extension cleanser, lash adhesive remover, and Q-tips.

Step 2: Clean Your Extensions With a Lash Extension Cleanser

Start by cleaning the extensions with a lash extension cleanser to remove any dirt and debris that may have attached itself to the lashes. If you notice any signs of adhesive residue, use an adhesive remover to remove it.

Step 3: Brush Your Eyelash Extensions From the Tips Upwards

Start from the tips and gently brush your eyelash extensions in an upward motion. This will help separate any tangled lashes and give them a more natural look. Next, place the brush on the root of the lashes and gently sweep outwards. This will help to make sure that all of the individual lash fibers are spread out evenly.

Gently Brush Your Eyelash Extensions

Step 4: Use a Q-Tip if Necessary

If you notice any clumps or tangles, use a Q-tip to carefully separate them. After you’ve brushed your eyelash extensions, finish with a clean spoolie brush to make sure all the individual lash fibers are spread out evenly.

Step 5: Remove Excess Adhesive With An Adhesive Remover

Once you’re finished brushing, use an adhesive remover to remove any excess adhesive from the lashes. Finally, store your brushes and cleaning supplies in a safe place where they won’t get lost or damaged.

By following these steps, you can easily brush your eyelash extensions to keep them looking beautiful and natural. Additionally, brushing your eyelash extensions regularly will help prevent any tangles or clumps from forming.

Precautions for How to Brush Your Eyelash Extensions

  1. Always use a clean, soft-bristled brush when brushing your lashes. Do not use makeup brushes as they may be too harsh and can pull out your extensions prematurely.
  2. When brushing, start with the base of the lash line and work your way up to the tips of the lashes in small strokes. This will ensure that all dirt or makeup is removed and the lashes are properly distributed.
  3. Avoid rubbing your eyes while brushing as this can cause irritation to the delicate skin around your eyes and may cause the extensions to come off prematurely.
  4. Be gentle when brushing; forceful or vigorous brush strokes can damage the lash follicles or pull out the extensions prematurely.
  5. Do not use mascara on your lash extensions as this will weigh them down and cause them to clump together.
  6. Always use a special cleanser or shampoo specifically designed for eyelash extension care, with no oil residue that can break down the bonding agents used in the extensions. This should be done at least once every two weeks to keep your lashes clean and healthy.

It is also important to make sure you wash your lashes before and after applying any products or makeup, as this helps keep bacteria away that can cause irritation.

Applying Any Products or Makeup

How Often Should You Be Brushing Your Eyelash Extensions?

It is important to brush your eyelash extensions regularly. Ideally, you should be brushing them every day or at least every other day. This will help keep the lashes looking neat and in place, while also helping to prevent tangling and clumping of the extensions. As with any beauty routine, investing a few moments each day for this task can pay off in gorgeous looking lashes.

It is also important that you use the right tools to brush your extensions. The best type of brush to use is one specifically designed for eyelash extensions, as this will help prevent breakage or loss of the lashes. Look for a soft-bristled brush with a handle small enough so that it can easily fit in between each individual lash, as this will ensure that all the extensions are brushed and kept in place.

When brushing your lashes, start at the root of the lash and gently brush outward to the tip. This helps to remove any dirt or oils which can build up on them over time, while also ensuring that they stay neat and tidy.

How Should You Care for Your Eyelash Brush So That It Lasts Longer?

To keep your eyelash brush in good condition for longer, it’s important to take some time after each use to properly care for your tool. Thoroughly rinse the bristles with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap before allowing them to air dry. It’s also a good idea to remove any excess lashes that may have gotten stuck on the brush. Additionally, keep your eyelash brush stored in a sanitary location and away from heat or direct sunlight to help prevent bacteria growth. By taking the proper steps to care for your eyelash brush, you can ensure it maintains its shape and condition for longer.

It’s also important to use the right type of brush when brushing your lashes. For instance, a spoolie brush is ideal for separating your lashes after applying mascara or extensions. On the other hand, an eyelash comb is best used before applying any products to ensure all of the hairs are properly in place. It’s also important to choose the right-sized brush depending on how long and thick your eyelashes are. By taking the time to find the right brush, you can ensure your lashes are properly groomed and looking their best.

Use the Right Type of Brush

What Are the Benefits of Regularly Brushing Your Eyelash Extensions?

Regularly brushing your eyelash extensions can provide numerous benefits. Here are a few of the key advantages you’ll enjoy when you make it part of your beauty routine:

  • Keeps Your Extensions Looking Neat and Tidy: Brushing your eyelash extensions will help remove dirt, dust, and other buildup that can make them look messy over time.
  • Helps You Avoid Clumping: Regularly brushing your lashes will also keep them from becoming matted together or clumped up in certain spots.
  • Prevents Lash Breakage: When you brush your extensions regularly, you’ll be able to keep them from breaking and falling out.
  • Enhances the Natural Look: Brushing your eyelash extensions can help give them a natural appearance that will make them look more appealing than ever.

It’s important to note that brushing your eyelashes too often or with too much force can do more harm than good. Be sure to brush them gently and just enough to keep them looking neat and tidy without damaging the extensions themselves.

What Are the Risks of Not Brushing Your Eyelash Extensions Regularly?

Not brushing your eyelash extensions regularly can result in a number of risks, from decreased longevity to damage to the natural lash. When lashes become tangled or clump together, it puts extra strain on your natural lashes, potentially leading to breakage and premature shedding.

Over time, this can cause thinning and sparse lashes which may require additional maintenance such as fill-ins or even a full set of extensions. Not brushing your lashes can also result in an uneven and unnatural look, making it more noticeable that you’re wearing extensions. Regularly brushing your eyelash extensions is key for ensuring that they last longer and look their best.


One of the major disadvantages about brushing your eyelash extensions is that it can be time consuming. It is important to have patience and take your time when brushing since applying too much pressure can cause the lashes to become tangled or pulled out.

In conclusion, learning to brush your eyelash extensions properly can help you maintain their health and longevity. It’s important to use a soft bristled, clean mascara wand or spoolie brush as this will ensure that the lashes are not pulled out and remain in place. Also, brushing your extensions regularly helps eliminate dirt and oils that may be building up on them. Finally, when brushing your lash extensions, be gentle and never pull or tug on them. I hope reading this post has helped you learn how to brush your eyelash extensions. Make sure the safety precautions are carried out in the order listed.

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