How to Sharpen Plastic Eyeliner

Written By :

Jane Hubbard




Written By

Jane Hubbard

Expert Author

For the artist or craft enthusiast, sharpening plastic eyeliner to ensure it has a quality point for use is essential. Are you someone who loves eyeliner and would like to ensure that it stays sharp? If so, you’ll be pleased to know that it is very easy to sharpen any type of plastic eyeliner! Not only will this help keep your makeup looking fresh and neat throughout the day, but its also an amazing way for creative individuals to use even the most basic supplies in unconventional ways – such as using them for craft projects.

How to Sharpen Plastic Eyeliner

In this post, we’ll cover the essential steps on how to sharpen plastic eyeliner in order to utilize these common items for artistically decorating other things. We will show you how to sharpen your eyeliners safely and get them back in shape so that they can be used perfectly, either for applying makeup or adding even more detail to all of your masterpieces!

Choosing the Best Sharpener

When selecting a sharpener, make sure it is specifically for plastic eyeliner pencils. A regular pencil sharpener will do more harm than good and could possibly break your plastic eyeliners. Make sure to select one that has a wide enough mouth to fit the size of your particular product. You can find these sharpeners at most drug stores or beauty supply stores.

Things to Consider While Sharpening Plastic Eyeliner

1. Not Rushing

Plastic Eyeliner Make Sure to Take It Slow and Steady

When sharpening plastic eyeliner, make sure to take it slow and steady. Don’t try to rush it so that you don’t break the tip or create any jagged edges that may be difficult to work with. Additionally, if your pencil is soft or fragile, then you should sharpen it in smaller increments instead of going all at once. This will ensure that your pencil remains intact and can still be used after sharpening.

2. Twisting Motion

When sharpening plastic eyeliner, make sure to use a twisting motion rather than pressing it down in one spot. This will help ensure that the tip is as even and smooth as possible while still creating a nice point on the pencil. If you’re having trouble getting the shape you want, try turning your sharpener upside down and using the same twisting motion.

3. Remove Excess Product

Once you are done sharpening, make sure to remove any excess product from the tip of your pencil that may have been created while sharpening it. This will help keep your eyeliner looking neat and sharp when applying it to your eyes!

Remove Any Excess Product From the Tip of Your Pencil

4. Sanitize

Finally, make sure to sanitize your sharpener before and after each use. This will help ensure that you avoid any potential eye infections or skin irritations caused by bacteria or dirt buildup on the tool.

With these steps in mind, you can now sharpen plastic eyeliners with confidence!

Required Items

In order to sharpen plastic eyeliner, you will need a few supplies. These include:

  • An eyeshadow or an eyeliner sharpener. (These are usually made of a metal blade and have a soft cover that won’t scratch the plastic.)
  • A tissue
  • Your plastic eyeliner pencil


Once you have these items, you can begin to sharpen your plastic eyeliner pencil.

10 Instructions on How to Sharpen Plastic Eyeliner

1. Place the Eyeliner

Start by placing the point of the plastic eyeliner pencil into the sharpener. You should hold it at an angle so that there is contact between the blade and the plastic. While doing so, be sure to apply a slight amount of pressure. Also, make sure not to press too hard, or you may break the pencil.

2. Start Sharpening

Once the eyeliner is in place, start sharpening it until you get the desired point. Make sure to rotate the pencil while doing this so that all sides of it are equally sharpened. Remember to take it slow and be gentle with the sharpener.

3. Check Point

After a few rotations, check to see if the point is as sharp as you want it. If not, continue sharpening until you get the desired shape and size of your eyeliner tip. Checking regularly will help to prevent over-sharpening or breaking.

4. Remove the Pencil from Sharpener

Once you have a point that you want, remove the pencil from the sharpener and set it aside. Be sure to place a tissue on a hard surface, such as a table or countertop, before proceeding so that any excess eyeliner from the sharpener does not soil it.

5. Wipe Pencil with Tissue

Eyeliner Residue From the Tip Using a Tissue

Once you have removed the pencil, wipe off any remaining eyeliner residue from the tip using a tissue. This will help to ensure that your eyeshadow or eyeliner application goes on smoothly and evenly.

6. Apply Eye Makeup

After wiping off the pencil, you are now ready to apply your eye makeup. Draw a thin line along your lash line and use the sharpened tip of the plastic eyeliner to create a more defined look. Eye makeup application with sharpened plastic eyeliner will give you a more precise and professional look.

7. Sharpen Plastic Eyeliner Regularly

Remember to sharpen your plastic eyeliner regularly in order to keep it at its best. Depending on how often you use it, this may be once every week or two weeks. Doing so will help to keep the point sharp and ensure that your eyeliner always looks perfect.

8. Store Eyeliner Properly

Also, be sure to store your eyeliner in a cool and dry place when not in use. This will help to prolong the life of your plastic eyeliner pencil and keep it sharp for longer.

9. Clean Sharpener After Use

Finally, remember to clean your sharpener after each use. This will help to keep it sanitary and ensure that no bacteria is transferred onto the eyeliner pencil when you go to sharpen it again. Cleaning the sharpener with a damp cloth and some soap should do the trick.

10. Dispose of Eyeliner When Necessary

If your plastic eyeliner pencil has become too dull or broken, it’s time to dispose of it and replace it with a new one. This will help to ensure that you always have sharp and precise eyeliner for your makeup looks.

By following these steps, you will be able to properly sharpen your plastic eyeliner pencil so that it always applies smoothly and accurately. With the right supplies and a little patience, you can easily keep your plastic eyeliner sharp and perfect for all of your makeup looks!

6 Safety Measures to Follow When Sharpening Plastic Eyeliner

Always Use a Sharpener Designed for Plastic Eyeliners

1. Always use a sharpener designed for plastic eyeliners. Never attempt to sharpen a plastic eyeliner with a regular pencil sharpener, as this can cause the tip to break off and result in an unsafe and uneven point.

2. Start by using short strokes. Apply short, steady pressure when sharpening your plastic eyeliner. Too much pressure can cause it to break or become frayed. Also, make sure to keep the sharpener still when in use.

3. Be careful not to over-sharpen. Over-sharpening can damage your plastic eyeliner and cause it to break off at the tip. When properly sharpened, a plastic eyeliner should have a tapered point with no jagged edges or bits of plastic sticking out.

4. Keep your sharpener clean and free of debris. Clean the blade regularly with a damp cloth or cotton swab to make sure there is no dirt or grime getting transferred from one product to another.

5. Replace your sharpener when it becomes dull or damaged. Invest in a good quality, durable sharpener that is designed for plastic eyeliners. If your sharpener starts to become dull or damaged, replace it immediately, as it can cause damage to your products and make them unsafe to use.

6. Always sharpen your plastic eye liners in a well-ventilated area. As sharpening plastic eyeliners can create fumes and particles, it is important to do this in an open, well-ventilated space. Avoid using the sharpener in enclosed areas or near open flames, as the fumes may be flammable.

Replace Your Sharpener When It Becomes Dull

Following these simple safety measures when sharpening plastic eyeliners will help you get the perfect point each time while also ensuring that your product stays safe and protected. With the proper care and maintenance, you will be able to get the most out of your plastic eyeliner products for years to come.


While it can be intimidating to sharpen plastic eyeliner, with a bit of practice, it is actually very simple. If you weren’t sure how to sharpen your pencil before, now you know the steps to do it properly and safely! Taking these steps on how to sharpen plastic eyeliner will not only ensure that your pencils remain sharp and effective but also that they do not cause any sort of harm or infection.

It’s always important to have clean tools when applying makeup, so make sure to pay attention to little details such as this one. Cleanliness is key to beauty! Why not give this technique a try and enhance your craft item today? With some patience and concentration, you could create professional-grade work with just the use of an everyday makeup item and a good sharpening tool.

You Can Check It Out To- Use NYX Epic Wear Eyeliner

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